Interview // 2024-02-15
I like when a band from a small area has the talent and drive to spread their music all over the world! That is what we find here in the band Persefone! With their recent EP, Lingua Ignota: Part I, which just came out February 2nd, this band is always shifting in some way. They seem to be an open-minded group and it makes them feel new, even if they have been around for a few decades. I got the chance to chat with Daniel, their new vocalist. Here is our conversation
In the past, you have centered your theme around the artwork, what about this time?
DANIEL R. FLYS: The process of finding an artwork for this EP took us a bit of effort and trial and error. After trying a few different artwork and styles, we wanted to find something that could represent the broad definition of what “Lingua Ignota” means for us. This is when we suddenly stumbled with Can Pekdemir’s work and it spoke to us in the way not many artists can, so we instantly knew it was the right fit.
What about the name of the album? Tell me about it.
DANIEL: "Lingua Ignota” means “hidden language” in Latin. The band’s identity and lyrical themes have revolved around spirituality and Eastern philosophy for over a decade, and this new direction is no different. We like to believe that there is an ever-present form of communication between living things, far beyond modern language and societal values. We decided to name it “Part I”, as this is only an EP and we think we have a lot more to say on this subject. We have no idea how we will do “Part II” yet, though. Time will tell.
I heard you write all new material for albums, and nothing from the past. Was that the case with this album?
DANIEL: This was, in fact, the case for this EP. We wrote everything from scratch during the summer of 2023 once we had the concept in mind.
How does reconnection feel, getting out and playing live music?
DANIEL: Connecting with our fans during our shows is one of those feelings that cannot be properly explained unless you live it through your bones. We believe we have some of the most loyal, empathic fans of the world, and we cannot be more grateful for their support. We’ve made so many loving connections with people all around the planet who also share our view of life and style of music, and that is truly a magical feeling.
Where would be your dream place to tour?
DANIEL: Many places, for sure. Australia is one of those places we still haven’t visited as a band, so it’s definitely on our bucket list!
What do you prefer, the creation of music or the presentation of a finished album?
DANIEL: I think the process of creating music can be confronted in different ways. In my case, I’m a big over-thinker and perfectionist, which is not always ideal to remain sane during the creating process (hahaha). Persefone’s music, in particular, is a very complicated and delicate process that requires a lot of time and resolution to make the songs work and flow properly. So, while creating music is something ultimately fun, it’s very easy for us to get caught in the process of stressing over little things. So, I would definitely go for hearing a finished album – the amount of reward you get from hearing your finished product and being proud of it is very fulfilling!
How hard is it to determine when an album is complete, especially as a perfectionist?
DANIEL: Honestly? I think having a deadline is key in order to be able to finish a piece of art. You can never truly finish something, can you? I think true wisdom comes from learning to let go and accepting what you’ve created as a footprint of the moment in time you were in.
How different should we expect Lingua Ignota: Part I to be from your last album?
DANIEL: For Lingua Ignota: Part I, we wanted our sound to slightly evolve towards something more raw and less refined, in a way. We prioritized writing music for the need of the song, and not in the need of displaying technique or crazy complicated parts. I think these are the most “song based” compositions we’ve ever done as a band. And of course, the change of vocalist in my case is definitely a big change for the sound!
Myself, I often go to music for different moods. For example, if I am excited or upset. Can you give me a song you might go to for specific mood?
DANIEL: Yes, I do that too! When I’m feeling nervous or anxious I always go listen to Sangre de Muerdago’s song “Xordas”. If you’re into dark, ambient folk I totally recommend it!
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
DANIEL: Any flavor that is gluten-free (haha). I personally love coffee-flavored ice cream. And dulce de leche!
Last book you read?
DANIEL: “The Well of Ascension” by Brandon Sandersson, out of the fantastic “Mistborn” series. If you’re into fantasy novels, you have to check these out!
What item do you hope will be obsolete in 25 years?
DANIEL: Honestly? Social media. It makes me waste way too much time!
What are the strangest things in your fridge?
DANIEL: I’d say a container always full of kimchi and a good array of different types of hot sauce!
Playlist Pick
After interviewing Persefone, I decided to add the song The Equable to my playlist.

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