Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Blog Post // 2024-01-06

End of 2023, My Thoughts!

I have been sick this holiday, so I have been laying low. I was around family with COVID. I don't know how things are in your area of the world, but where I live, it is very common now for people to get COVID. It was also super weird because we had no snow for Christmas. It rained and all the snow left. I only remember one other Christmas without snow my whole life. There have actually been bears wandering around confused in this area because it has been so mild. A friend announced that this day 10 years ago was -40C, and it is only -3C right now.

This year was drastic compared to last, on a personal level. It was a year of deaths in my family, severe sickness in close members of my family, and my own health issues. I wish I could say I have answers to everything or that it has all been resolved, but that isn't the case. I am having follow-up brain MRIs and it is yet to be determined what has caused lesions in my brain, or if there is some kind of treatment to help me feel more stable on my feet. If there is one thing that these experiences have taught me this year, it is to be thankful for the things I have and to really think about the motivation for the things I do. Would you live life differently if you thought you might lose your mental or physical functioning? I think I lived the second half of 2023 with that very thought running through my mind. I am thankful whatever is going on isn't fatal, but is affecting my daily life.

Two really great things this year were going to see Swallow the Sun live, my first concert since the pandemic, and rescuing a puppy from the shelter, named Hazelnut. She has become a great friend to Cashew. Their size difference doesn't matter. Cashew knows how to be gentle. She is a really nice pup. If I were to describe their personalities as a heavy music genre, Cashew is laid back when he is in his element. He likes to lay around in the yard all day, but is super energetic when it is time for a walk or a romp with another dog. He wasn't always this way. He was so energetic and hard to train in his younger years, and still gets crazy at times, such as when we go for a walk and often jumps up as high as my face and tries to lick it. He is known to snap food or mitts out of people's hands whenever he is able. He is an escape artist and is lucky that he isn't tied or fenced. It is like he thinks outside is his domain. He loves getting smothered by his favourite person, my son. I would describe him as something atmospheric, with solitude and nature as the theme within the lyrics, but with some kind of assertiveness and sense of adventure, as well as love for the people he knows. Maybe he would be folk metal with its peaks and valleys. Hazelnut wants all the attention and is very vocal about everything. Her favourite place is on a lap. She is eager to please when it comes to learning new things and showing what she can do. She is very affectionate and plays with her toys herself. She will throw a ball in the air to bounce it or whip pieces of fabric around. She is outgoing and likes every person and animal she has met. I would associate her more with lighter fantasy themes, drama, and often high vocals such as is seen in power metal (she sounds like a bird chirping, lol).

My tattoo artist had a charity auction at Christmas this year and I bought one of her art pieces. I don't have the money for tattoos right now, but I appreciate her art. I think the piece is a good illustration of what I want 2024 to be. I want it to be a year where I am embracing truth. The truth often hurts, but it is necessary. The picture is of coming out of the dark, into the light of day.

What about music, how was music this year? The best way I can describe my experience with music this year is by redemption and surprise. Most of my top albums were albums I expected I wouldn't like. I like surprises, so it was very pleasant for me. The interviews I did this year were really interesting and the artists were super open. The reaction to my channel being up once again has been great, as well. Thanks for your support!

The poll results indicated that Anno 1696 by Insomnium was the leader for Album of the Year. I know they have a big following and have been making music for some time. Thank you for voting. I enjoyed Heart Like A Grave back in 2019. I did check it out Anno 1696, but like their last EP, it was a letdown and just felt dull to me, personally. A new poll is up and will help me decide about albums I review. 

I am happy that all my reaction content is going up on my channel again. I have had some bumps during the process of putting them up and have lost some videos. Actually, there was a point when the drive I had it on was corrupt and I wasn't able to get to the material. Also, some videos are blocked that weren't the first time around, etc. It feels good that it is coming together. I think the videos are an important part of my history and my journey. Thank you to those that have kept up with what I have been doing, and to newcomers!

Top 5 Albums of 2023

Here they are: (drum roll...)

5) Shylmagoghnar - Convergence

The resilience and creativity of this album coming together is impressive. Lots of variance and landscapes are painted through the journey of death. I find it natural for me to put this on and listen to it from start to finish.

4) Saturnus - The Storm Within

I didn't know what impact this one would leave on me. Added instruments, spoken word, deepest vocals and a deliberate pace all feel necessary to paint this landscape of loss and regret. Beautiful and memorable come together.

3) Heretoir - Nightsphere

This album is eloquent and purposeful. I think the vocal and lyrical content makes it stand out in the genre. Paradoxically, it lightens my body and mind, but it is centered around burdensome and thought-provoking topics. It helps me dissociate from hard things, but also reminds me to be more present in the world.

2) Crypta - Shades of Sorrow

Again, super redemptive as I expected to not enjoy this album. I didn't expect keyboard or slower periods, nor the vulnerable nature of the lyrics. The vocals are uniquely and aggressively Fernanda and work nicely with this mixture of genres. The riffs and drums join forces to create the perfect momentum. Nicely done!

1) Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite

This album was a lot deeper than I expected on a lyrical level and was obviously crafted by seasoned musicians. I had no idea when I decided to check it out that it would end up being number one for me. This album is the whole package. The artwork, lyrics, music and vocals paint a painful daytime horror. The mixture of effects, sounds, and changes throughout helps create an experience that seems almost cinematic. It leaves me impressed. Are you surprised I got past and came to appreciate the vocals?

I did go on to talk about 5 more of my top albums in episode 2 of my podcast, Casual Conversations, as well as other discussions about music this year. Be sure to check it out if you haven't yet.

Only two out of eight albums from my 2023 wishlist released this year. One I can relish and the other not so much. Wayfarer's American Gothic was engaging. Their theme, lyrics, and sound didn't disappoint. Aetherian's At Storm's Edge, however, could have been any melodic death metal band. I found their atmosphere and vocals stood out in the past, but this was hard to get through.

Wishlist for 2024 (A girl can wish...)

In Mourning

This band is one of my favourite bands, and I am hopeful that the song they released in 2023 is indicative of an album coming out in 2024. I will be happy whenever it comes, though.


This is likely not going to happen, but I can certainly wish that the fact that they reunited might mean they will come out with new material.

Immortal Bird

It is just time and I quite like their past material.


This feels like it will be a long time coming, but I still hope it happens.


Not sure if rumours really mean they will be getting back together.


I hope there won't be as many years between albums for Tool.

Uneven Structure

I haven't heard much from this band recently and I hope that means they have been super creative and working hard on new material.


It has been a while and I am curious what I would think of a new Wintersun album.


Apparently, they were in the studio when Chris died and if there is material that they are going to release, I am hoping they will this year.

Happy 2024!

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